Perform Under Pressure

Poiz coaching helps you train your mind so you play on 🔥, every game.

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For too long, athletes have been left to just figure out the mental game on their own.

But this isn’t the way we approach other aspects of sports performance, like strength training or skill development. So why would you leave mental performance to chance?

Just like any other muscle, your mind is a muscle that can and needs to be trained. Your mental performance can be the difference between a championship finish or choking under pressure.

Get Into Flow

When you compete in “Flow,” the game feels effortless. Research now shows that the brain operates differently while in Flow State–an optimal state of consciousness where we both feel our best and perform our best.

Neurochemical Cocktail

Flow releases 5 performance enhancing neurotransmitters

Transient Hypofrontality

Your brain becomes more efficient and your “inner critic” shuts off

Increased Neuroplasticity

Flow speeds up your brain’s ability to generate new neural pathways

Get Into Flow

When you compete in “Flow,” the game feels effortless. Research now shows that the brain operates differently while in Flow State–an optimal state of consciousness where we both feel our best and perform our best.

Neurochemical Cocktail

Flow releases 5 performance enhancing neurotransmitters

Transient Hypofrontality

Your brain becomes more efficient and your “inner critic” shuts off

Increased Neuroplasticity

Flow speeds up your brain’s ability to generate new neural pathways

Meet Poiz

While most athletes have probably experienced flow at some point, it can feel elusive and be challenging to tap back into it reliably. This is where Poiz comes in. For over 20 years, the team behind Poiz has been helping top athletes tap into flow and perform at their best. We’ve worked with athletes and teams across the NCAA, NFL, MLB, PGA, and Olympics. 

Teams Our Staff Has Worked With

How Poiz Works

How Poiz Works

How Poiz Works

How Poiz Works

How Poiz Works

How Poiz Works

How Poiz Works

The Poiz App

Meet your performance coach in your pocket. Poiz provides on-demand performance protocols designed to be used before competition and in training. The app adapts to you and delivers the right audio training at the right time, so you’re always ready to perform.

Available Live  Coaching

  • Access elite mental performance coaches
  • Weekly small group or 1-on-1 training calls
  • Unlimited text/video messaging with your Poiz coach to ask questions and get feedback.

Unlock Your Next
Performance Upgrade.

Other Coaching

• Talk with a coach only at scheduled times
• No regular training
• High cost

Poiz Coaching

• On-demand performance
protocols via the Poiz App
• Frequent communication
• Affordable

What does a typical coaching week look like?

Who is Poiz coaching targeted towards?

Who are Poiz coaches?

How long does Poiz coaching last?

How many athletes are in a coaching group?